Monday, July 20, 2009

Worst news in 2009 after MJ's Death: GOP Broke Up

One of San Diego greatest bands has broken up. Grand Ole Party made different, beautiful, well crafted music in a time when vague, listless, lazy, uninspiring music rules the day. I must say, their fans fucking LOVED them, very very much, I know because I was one of them and anyone I gave their album to gushed about them and was dancing at the next show. The subject line for their myspace bulletin annoumcing their break up said: "Fuck The Bullshit". Really classy guys. We supported them and we wished and hoped that their influence would be furthered, we bought their CD's and screamed till we were hoarse at their shows. Come on guys, we didn't get a second album, but can we get a thanks?? I'm appalled that Kristin's new band was promoted in the very same lackluster almost aggressive announcement of their break up.
I don't want to be dramatic but this is a tragedy....Will good music ever prevail again??

Here is the myspace:
Subject Line: Fuck The Bullshit

Despite the wishes, I'd like our fans to know that YES, Grand Ole Party HAS broken up.

For me information, check out

Yours Truly,

NOTE: Maybe they meant to type for MORE information, but me is fitting enough...
UPDATED NOTE: To add further insult to injury GOP has deleted their myspace page. Seriously disturbed...

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