Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Why This Dosen't Work: Dum Dum Girls

The Dum Dum Girls just got signed to SubPop which is HUGE. Problem is, Dum Dum Girls goes wrong where lead singer's Kristin Gundreds other band, Grand Ole Party goes right: They take the focus off of Gundred's incredible voice. Also, GOP has wonderful guitar, bass, and drum collaboration that supports her voice. Who cares about the mediocre guitar and drums of DDG when you have this unique, powerful riveting voice? Why the FUUUUUUCK did Grand Ole Party not get signed but Dumb Dum Dum Girls did?? This we might never know....
Dum Dum Girls- Brooklyn

Grand Ole Party- San Diego


  1. i'm sorry i didn't consult you first.

    also, should you try anything new, and hopefully on your own, please let me know so i can, without any understanding of the situation, promptly summarize why it's awful.

    then my opinion can hurt your feelings!

  2. I apologize for hurting your feelings. Reviews will do that sometimes but it wasn't my intent. In fact, I love your talent, which is why I don't like what I've heard from Dum Dum Girls, I can't even hear you in those songs. BUT, you were signed by the most major independent label ever so what do I know?? Im going to start doing stand up comedy soon so I will be sure to invite you, and I don't mean that to be snatchy. I really do love Grand Ole Party (Im sure you know that) and I've always thought well of you all. Just an honest review from my sole opinion. I know others think differently. All the best either way and I mean that. And please, explain if you feel like, corrections, rebuttals are welcome here!
