Wednesday, July 8, 2009

New SD Slogan: Happy Happens...

So in place of past city slogan, "America's Finest City" the City Bureau has chosen "Happy Happens." Outside of being incredibly vague (because happy ALSO happens in San Francisco, Vegas, NYC, Paris, Chile, Hawaii, the list goes on...) the accompanying commercial does NOTHING to show the things I actually think are rad about San Diego. DUH. We have beaches, doesn't mean 90% of the commerical needed to drive that point home. There are fleeting shots of gorgeous Balboa Park, the only culture we have here and even douche bag laden but none-the-less historical Gaslamp Quarter is given only 3 seconds to shine. Also, take note that they've done a wonderful job of covering up any Mexican influence our city has in addition to showcasing the fact that this city is made of up gorgeous white people who spend more time in spa's and over priced condo pools than gathered on a blanket in a park discussing art, politics or life. Ok, actually the video does a wonderful job letting you know just what you're going to get: Beaches and sun for months. And bored.

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