Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Food Addiction is Real

I know I am not breaking this to you for the first time. Chemicals and recipes are engineered to make you eat more. I posted a while back about the book by the former Food and Drug Administration head who said that food scientist know how to make food that makes it almost impossible to stop eat it, even if you don't like it. Scary. The author o the book was interviewed, here's a snippet:

"In The End of Overeating, Dr. Kessler explains how humans, much like Pavlov's dogs, become hardwired to anticipate foods with fat, sugar, and salt. The food industry has learned what humans want, and is only too happy to give us what we crave. We quickly become trapped in a vicious cycle of dopamine-fueled urges when we want food, and opioid releases when we eat it. If dopamine and opioid sound familiar, it's because they play a major role in alcohol and drug addiction. Dr. Kessler draws a direct connection between food's power over people, and the pull of alcohol and drugs. It truly isn't a stretch to say, "I'm addicted to chocolate."

See Rest of the Interview

There is a movie out about this playing in indepdent movie theaters called Food Inc. Get the book and see the movie!!

Food Inc. Website

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