Monday, June 1, 2009

Waaves Exposes the Pissy Prentious Side of the SD Scene

For a guy who was "mixing ecstasy valium and xanax before having to play in front of thousands of people" he seems pretty pissy. That elixir usually makes you so happy and carefree you wouldn't give a shit about how the sound is. Seems like his attitude comes from a classic mix of whisky coke and I don't mean Coca Cola. Way to make San Diego proud Waaves. As if we needed another mediocre, brand new, yet somehow still highly pretentious band out there repping San Diego. Might wanna actually play a few shows before throwing a Morrissey esque fit on stage. Damn you have huge Pitchfork backing and a massive exciting European tour (now canceled) and you're gonna act like that?? We should all be so blessed... Handle your shit before you venture out. Can we please get back to focusing on SD greats like The Muslims, Grand Ole Party and Apes of Wrath??
Read About Waaves Breakdown Here

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