Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Some Great Places to Shroom in Las Vegas

Outside of some the ridiculous and bizarre people that head to Vegas it can be a wonderful place to shroom! Where else do colors change rapidly all around you, fountains burst from nowhere, and Paris, New York, Venice, and Ancient Greece can all be found on one street?? If you ask me Vegas was built for people on drugs if not people who don't mind taking a step into this architectural playground with an acceptant and open mind. Once you get past the gambling and debauchery (if that is a problem for you) you can lock down the on the joyous (and trippy) feeling of Vegas. It's built to have fun, you can do anything you want there, and anything is possible!!

Last weekend a friend and I made an impromptu visit to Vegas to relax and get away from San Diego. We also had a huge sack of shrooms to mess around with. After taking one night to go out dancing and drinking we shroomed the next night. We had scouted a few hotels we thought might be nice to view on shrooms the day before. Basically you want shiny things or colors, moving orbs or things that will feel good to touch like water and smooth texture. We only hit a few hotels but I can only imagine the shroomability of a city filled with wonderful sights, sounds and things to trip out on!! Below are just a few recommendations for shroom tripping in Sin City!

The Bellagio: Probably the number one place to shroom in Vegas. The clientele is less ghetto and therefore less trippy. Also, the fountains dazzle on shrooms and the entry way of hundreds of colored glass lilly pads will delight for a looooong time. They even took the liberty to have trippy paintings that were totally moving on shrooms and then not moving on our return visit sober (actually stoned) the next day. Check out the chocolate fountains and of course, their huge and fanciful flower garden!!

Planet Hollywood: I had never been in this hotel. I've always regarded PH as sort of a budget Hard Rock but it was incredible!! The Casino is spacious and filled with hot dealers, there are even go-go dancers. The best part is the entire color of the bar changes on a wide spectrum of colors every five seconds or so, that was great!! They also have enormous crystal diamond orbs changing color everywhere. We took a seat and just watched the colors change, nice!!

Paris: The visual stimulation can get overwhelming so we dipped over to Paris and sat under the faux Arc de Triupmh for awhile. The cool marble felt nice to lay down on and it's a great view of Vegas. We had the whole thing to ourselves and it felt like we were hanging out in abandoned France. A nice quiet respite that's still in the Vegas action.

Note: Do not shroom in Vegas for the first time unless you take less than a half 8th (probably only going to get the happiness and body high's at the point). Make sure you are around people you like and feel comfortable with. There are tons of people and you might not like having to dodge all around them or might not feel comfortable staring at a ceiling for 25 minutes straight. Have music in your room on for when you come back to relax to and ride the body highs, giggles and general abundant feelings of well being when you come down.

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