Thursday, June 4, 2009

POP Thursday at SD Museum of Photographic Arts

Barbarella (1968)
Thursday, June 4, 2009; 7-10pm
Event begins at 7:00 pm
Film begins at 8:00 pm

Cost: FREE to MoPA Members; General Museum Admission

The June 4 event will offer a variety of fun and social activities, in addition to the screening of Barbarella. The film will also be projected along the Atrium wall accompanied by the spins of D.J. Johnny Tran, mixing everything from 80's new wave to mainstream hip-hop. POP will again feature Dr. Sketchy's, San Diego's premier cabaret life-drawing group. Dr. Sketchy's will provide guests the opportunity to get creative and lounge in the Atrium while sketching live models.

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