Friday, June 26, 2009

I Love You Michael Jackson

By now it's all over the papers, the mourning and remembering have begun. Even now as I write this I'm holding back tears and getting goosebumps. If you aren't affected you probably don't dance, sing and have good times...Ok maybe that was harsh...but Michael Jackson stood for everything pop and party during the time he was at his height. From The Jackson 5 sweet child voice backed by R&B vocals and bass to his moving soprano squeals you couldn't help but MOVE and shriek right along with him. This is the guy who has the best selling album of ALL TIME. His music literally MOVES you and in a time of vague, bland and uninspired music I find myself clinging to it more. The countless Michael Jackson songs played at weddings, proms and nights out have been bonding people together for a long time, through generations we all have something in common: knowing and loving Michael Jackson songs. (Just started crying) He has brought together nations, ages and even colors when race issues were more significant than they are now. He defined the limit of how the human body could move and inspired people with his huge library of music, no two songs sounding anywhere near the same. I used to sit and watch my recorded version of his 30th Anniversary over and over with my friends and just cry whenever they'd show clips of the first time he moonwalked or rose up on the tips of his toes or just...everything. He was a TRUE talent in every sense of the word, an inspiration in most senses of the word and one of my all time most favorite artists. I don't know why I am so surprised that I am taking it this hard, Michael Jackson has many hits on the soundtrack of my life, most of them the most joyous times when I just let loose. His music made the world feel like a better place, a bonded place. I'm deeply saddened by the loss, rest in peace Michael Jackson, I love you and what you've done for my spirit.

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