Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The government is making you a fatty

I was watching movies from the 50's and 60's realizing everyone was pretty much the same size. NOT the case now. My mom said there only used to be sizes 4-12 in stores, no one needed anything different. She said they used oil, cream and butter (present day no no's) to cook but since the portions were NORMAL and people led active lifestyles, no one was overweight. Well it's not just portion control to blame that 60% of American's are now overweight. Read the horror story below.....

From Women's Health Magazine:

Your friends order nachos at happy hour, you tell yourself you'll have just a few...and then you find yourself diving in with abandon.

Sound familiar?

You'll be happy (or disgusted) to learn that your willpower never stood a chance against that gooey plateful of temptation. See, those nachos—and dozens of other sinful eats—have been scientifically engineered to make you want to eat more…and more, says former FDA commissioner David A. Kessler, M.D., in his new exposé, The End of Overeating: Taking Control of the Insatiable American Appetite (Rodale, 2009).

Here's how this deviousness works: Human beings have what food-industry insiders call a "bliss point," a nirvana of the taste buds triggered by particular amounts of salt, sugar, and fat. Menu scientists (yes, that's a job!) at popular restaurant chains and packaged-food corporations use their knowledge of the bliss point to manipulate your appetite, adding salt, sugar, and fat to their products in combinations designed to create hedonism on a plate—a taste experience so intense that it kicks the brain's pleasure system into overdrive. It's like a drug. And like any drug, it leads you to obsess about that moment of pleasure so much that you'll do almost anything to prolong or relive it. The result: a bigger bottom line for them—and a bigger waistline for you.

NOTE: Thanks America, as if being overweight and then having to lose weight isn't hard enough you design food that makes it almost impossible. You also design food that is proven to cause heart disease and be the leading cause of death in America. THE LEADING CAUSE. And food like this is FDA approved. Food manufactures make 3900 calories worth of food per person per day even though the recommended amount is 2000 calories. Every person could send half of their calories to a starving person abroad and still be completely satisfied. Buuuuut America has a litttle problem called hyper production of corn, which is why it's in our gasoline and which is why high fructose CORN syrup, one of the most harmful substances in food, is put into almost every prepackaged item on the market. Not a conspiracy theory, start knowing what is in your food and WHY!!!!!!

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