Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Girl with 56 stars tattooed on face admits she asked for them

A teenage girl who claimed 56 stars were tattooed on her on her face as she slept when she asked for three has admitted she was awake the whole time – and lied because her father was "furious".

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Oh man that girl is only 18! I wanted my entire back covered with all the places I've lived when I was 18. Now I count my lucky stars (ha) that I didn't go through with it. I've got 3 stars on my foot that I adore but FACE tattoos?? Check out the crazy bitch below. Turns out Golden Palace is an online casino....Ahhh the powerful draw of crack....

1 comment:

  1. It's my #3 biggest turn-off: tattoos in general. Piercings in odd places is equally ranked.

    This is coming from an ex-punk rocker who NEVER wanted tattoos. They look DISGUSTING as you age, and they ruin some of the best body parts on women.

    On her face? She has more problems than just her father. Something like 1/3 of people with face tattoos kill themselves.

    Self-loathing to the maximum, and she's an ugly girl now. Grotesque.
