Monday, June 29, 2009

5 Things I hope Happen in the Wake of Michael Jackson's Death

It was a rough weekend, but felt good to hear Michael Jackson on the radio aaalll weekend, and hear different tributes at various shows. It makes you realize how amazing his career and the Jackson 5 times were, such emotive, powerful songs that force you to move and bond you with the stranger next to you. I'm hoping MJ's death will not be in vain and will bring about a renaissance in dance and music that is much needed. I think people who loved Michael Jackson are mostly sad because it leaves us with a bleak future of watered down music you can't dance to. Will anyone affect and suprise us that way anymore? Can anyone top the moonwalk? Will anyone even try? We want the party back, the good times, the high spirits, the fucking MAGIC...There is a reccession and war going on, the last thing we needed was for a global hero to die....

I Hope:
1. ....Dancing will make a comeback. No one dances anymore and if they do they are perceived to be drunk or attention whores. Michael made dancing, of any kind, cool. Shit EVERYONE used to dance!! It makes you feel like you have no cares in the world, it's free, there are no side affects (unless you pull the crazier spectrum of moves and shouldn't) it will de fatten America, why not?

2. ....Great music videos will come out. Pouring champagne in the Hummer hot tub? Driving around in the backseat of a car for three minutes? Give me a break, it's no wonder MTV stopped playing music videos, give em a reason to get back to their roots! (Missy Elliot's new album and subsequent videos should spark some creativity as well).

3. ...There will be tons of tribute tours and concerts. That people will want to fill MJ's void so much they are inspired (again) by his legacy.

4. ...Pitchfork will suck a dick. This one is personal. Here is their reaction to MJ's death: Yikes

5. ...This whole indie, self absorbed, minimalist "music about MY pain, MY life, MY awkardness, MY break ups, MY" will just fucking eeeeeeend. Who cares about YOU? You're capatalizing off of your standoffish, self centered shame of a personality. Let's make big, grand music that makes you want to dance and rock out again!! Music has screeched to such a fucking halt that I swear to god some 80 pound whispering chick playing one note on a vintage guitar is going to be Pitckforks next celebrated music!!

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