Friday, May 1, 2009


YES: Disney movies and ABC TV shows will be available on
Sure maybe Hulu has one commercial per episode that you watch but they don't have a time limit on how much TV you can watch like other sites. Makes me want to burn down a dog shelter when they cut you off right when things get good. Now I can watch LOST on Hulu and not the shitty fucking site that is

NO: The original lineup for Creed have announced that they are getting back together and will be hitting the road for a late summer tour.
Not only NO but heeeeeeeeell NO!! The motherfuckers who started the disaster that is Cock Rock want back in on the action. Scott Stapp has had ENOUGH of Chris Daughtrys and Nickelbacks leather arm cuffs and gravely grunt singing, that was HIS schtick! Yea, I admit it, I listened to Creed in 1997 but I was living in New Jersey and I was a fucking junior high school retard. I've been listening to my FAIR SHARE of The Arcade Fire and The Decemberists to make up for it too! How much "acquired taste indie music" do I have to absorb to make you forget that?? Can someone hurry up and wave some hookers and meth in front of Stapps face so his bandmates can break up the band again because he's threatening their Christian faith??

MAYBE: Lilith Fair, North American female-oriented summer festival that ran from 1997 to 1999, will make its return next year.
This festival was pretty cool when it came out featuring such artists as Sheryl Crow, Lauryn Hill, Jewel, Dixie Chicks, Erykah Badu, Sinead O'Connor and my love Missy Elliot. It was the 90's and women were in power or should I say EMpowered. We were making money, making music and embracing our vagina's, Buddhist inspired tee-shirts, and inner goddess's. But how lame do things get when a thousand smelly pissed off quazi lesbians are around another thousand smelly pissed off quazi lesbians all day in the hot sun? It gets down right nasty and pretty soon Sarah Machachlan has to pull the plug on her set and shut the whole thing down again for 10 years. We'll see. Women are conserva-whores now (a term I came up with to describe women who sleep around to impress a man long enough to tie him down in a monogamous and eventually sexless relationship to breed). We are less empowered and obsessed with artificial youth and having a boyfriend to fufill us. Good Luck Lilith.

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