Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Largest Industrial Contributors to Global Warming

-Parcel Delivery (FedEx, Ups, Etc.)
-Air Transport
-Bottled Water and Water Service Delivery

E-mail, and soon teleportation, will take care of the first nature killing contributor. Actually teleportation takes care of the second one too. But the third is gonna be harder to get people to change. Bottled water has been the source of major tension in the environmental debates. But the truth is less than 5-percent of the 40 billion pounds of plastic produced every year are actually recycled. Plastics are now the fastest growing sector of the waste stream and presently take up more than 25 percent of the volume of material sent to landfills every year. Also, 25% of bottled water is actually tap water. Plus, the plastic in those bottles degrades and breaks down in over 80 degree temperatures. DO NOT DRINK the water left in bottles after they've been in your hot car for awhile. You'll be drinking chemicals your body has NO business ingesting. Use an on- sink purifier or Brita style filter and carry around a washable re-usable water bottle. We can all use a reason to feel better about ourselves and this is actually a good one!!

1 comment:

  1. agreed. Not to mention that it's way cheaper to refill an aluminum/#7 or #9 plastic water bottle than to spend $1-3 every time you're thirsty.
