Monday, May 4, 2009

HUGE SUPRISE: House Bunny is actually sorta awesome!

The minute I saw a poster for House Bunny I pretentiously rolled my eyes and sighed. All I could think was, oh god, another lame college movie made only as an excuse to watch half naked girls do stupid things for dumb binge drinking bros. I wrote it off and went and saw a movie that made me feel better than everyone else. Then one night Im at Blockbuster and I see House Bunny sitting there. I had just watched Lost In Translation which Anna Faris (House Bunny Star) is in and AWESOME in even though she has a tiny part. I said FUCK it and rented it, great acting is hard to come by. I was renting Frida (GREAT MOVIE!) too so it made me feel better. Turns out it was GREAT! And Ill say this: YES it was formulaic! YES it lacked substantial depth and character development. YES the message about being yourself, but also being hot and dumb to catch guys is twisted.
You want to know why I urge you to rent this movie? ANNA FUCKING FARIS!! Shes incredible!! She perfects the dumb blond character almost better than Elle Woods in Legally Blonde, incidentally written by the House Bunny women tag team Karen McCullah Lutz and Kirsten Smith. Its also a Happy Madison (Adam Sandler) production. I adored Legally Blonde and yea, its better than House Bunny but there are some parts in the movie that will have you rolling. I watched it twice in one weekend! Just give it a chance. If youre not laughing in the first minute then at least youll be drooling from all the hot hot (read, deliciously slutty) outfits that Shelly Darlingson (Anna Faris) wears. Shes so damn sincere and kind that you cant help but love her!!

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