Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Hawaii, Hawaii, Hawaii I love you

I lived in Hawaii for about 5 years. Maybe its the reason Im chilled out, smoke weed, like SPAM and feel the islands calling back to me even now, five years later. I went back for the wedding of my dear friend Ashley and left with so much more. There is a deep deep feeling of life slowing down, relaxation and the ability to just BE. "No bad days" surely means what it means here...I came back recharged and refueled. I had swam under waterfalls and saw where a bunch of scenes from LOST were filmed. I partied with old friends and made new ones. I sat on the beach and hammocks, no one around for hours and just "BE'd". I miss it already.....Here are some random shots for ya!

Recession Hits Hawaii in All it's Simplicity

Turtle Bay Through my Hammock. I could have laid in that hammock for months....

The gorgeous and ancient Ko'olau Mountains taken from a boat in Kaneohe Bay. There are
no mountains like this anywhere else, beautiful.

Fireworks at night in Waikiki. If you stay in Hawaii I recommend a beach rental in
North Shore to get the real Hawaiian experience but something about sharing the
experience of being in Hawaii with other travelers is infectious!

Contrary to popular believe, strippers are NOT as hot as they are in movies. We got a stripper
for a friends bachelorette party and he was a 5'4 Italian Man who came out dressed as a god damn chauffer (or bell hop?!). He shoulda dressed as a Sopranos stand in because thats what he looked like. He didn't even shake it and dance!! He did have an enormous dick though.

Found this lil message on Lanikai Beach in Kailua. This is where Obama hangs out! The islands are nicknamed The Moks (moks are huge Hawaiian dudes). This beach was so serene and empty the whole time we lounge there in the morning.


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