Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Gay Marriage Ban Remains, Californians Look Like Backward Retarded Southerners...

I can't believe it. The courts backed a vote against people getting married. Simply put but true. California said not everyone that resides within it's borders has the right to get married. It really is sick when you put it that way. Why is religion even playing a part in politics? Legally and governmentally (yes I know, not a real word) every human being that is a citizen of this country should be treated equally. Yes we know Christians, your god (of love?) says being gay is fucked up and you refuse to recognize their love as true. But why do those backwards beliefs have to enter our laws and constitution? Churches should have the choice to recognize a marriage or not if they want because it's a private corporation, but not a country where gay men and women fucking PAY TAXES but can't get married??!?! I say if gay people don't have ALL the freedoms that straight people do they shouldn't have to pay ALL the fucking taxes. Watch this video, it's really sweet but songs and video and rallying don't seem to work, this seems to be a religious war, where seperation of church and state is ignored and ignorant entities with money are king. Siiiigh, the fight isn't over, the next generation of voters grew up with gay people for teachers, coaches, friends, relatives and neighbors. Hopefully they wont be weighed down with fear like those before us.

The Courage Campaign just released a 60-second TV ad version of "Fidelity" -- the heartbreaking online video viewed by more than 1.2 million people, making it the most-watched video ever in the history of California politics.

Check out the new "Fidelity" TV ad and join me in signing the pledge to repeal Prop 8 by building a marriage equality army one million strong:

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