Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Fashion Forward: Silver Tasselsed Sunglasses

Love her or hate her Beyonce is amazing at what she does: DIVA. Honestly, she can dance better than the pro's, put on an amazing show with tons of energy, sing and belt her way WHILE dancing and has forward "Make Ya Think" fashion. I don't like her voice and I wouldn't wear anything from her clothing line but she's doing her thing and doing it well and her body and face are well, SLAMMIN'!! Also, she keeps her private life and public life in check. Check out these silver tassesled sunglasses!! She wears them in the video for her new single, Diva. Forward Fashion, bottom line. I have seen NOTHING like these ever and don't even think I could conceptualize them. If you see the video the fringes are even cut in the shape of sunglasses! Who knows if you can see out of them they are different, far out, new, fresh and cool. Name 10 bands or people you could say that about right now....


1 comment:

  1. It at once struck me that those glasses are stupid, yet I want them.

    I give B props for rocking those... though I have to say, IDK if she'd rock those if it hadn't been for Ye's glasses, he kinda opened the door for glass experimentation.
