Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thursday Night Thing!!!

Sadly this is the last Thursday Night Thing (TNT) until November 5! Holy Moly, another economy casualty. This Thursday night event hasn't disappointed yet and tonites art and music lineup look sure to follow suit. If i'm not to sweaty and worn out from the gym I will probably go if only to have my fortune read!!

Check out the event description from the MCASD Website:

Thursday April 2, 7 pm, Free ($3 welcome donation)
1100 & 1001 Kettner Blvd. (between Broadway and B Street)

Psychics meet Spirographs as TNT examines the shapes of things and the shape of things to come.

What if museum-goers responded to artworks with their minds AND bodies? Catch Yoga One yogis bend, twist, and balance their bodies in conversation with geometrical works featured in the new exhibition Primary Forms: Illuminated and Opaque. Arrive at 7 pm for a tour of this exhibition with curator Lucía Sanromán.

Flashback to your days on the playground as you make your own folded paper fortune teller and then fast forward as you pen a postcard to your future self. Using Spirographs to decorate the front, write a message to yourself predicting where you will be in three month's time. (Leave these self-addressed postcards behind and MCASD will mail them to you in a month.)

Curious about your future? Enjoy an array of fortune-telling activities, including readings by real live fortune tellers. Then transport back to the present to listen to live music by Lights On, The Traditionist, LDR & The Kates, The Color of Glass, and DJ TRAIL-MIX-ALOT.

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