Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My Not So Irie 420

Weed cookies- Check
Amazing herb- Check
Delicious sandwiches from Mona Lisa Deli- Check
Blankets for the picnic were in my car- Check
Sun screen- Check

It was going to be another legendary 420 spent irie and in full appreciation of the natural wonders of planet earth. Yesterday proved to be a lesson in the STRENGTH of these natural wonders.

Sun Strength: Oppressive
Weed Strength: All systems go, Sky Rockets In flight, Snoop Dogg would be blazed
Cookies Strength: Do not attempt to finish one by yourself (I finished 1 and a half. On an empty stomach)
Mona Lisa Sandys: Bomb as ever

By the time we were laying out our blanket for our picnic the sun felt like it has me trapped in an easy bake oven. I had just spent the whole weekend poolside in the sun and I work in an office all day, its made me somewhat of a sun pussy. Also the cookie(s) started kicking in and I will say this: I was triiiiiiiiping. It was in a good way at first. It felt like a shroom trip almost but less giggling and texture sensation. The trees were pulsing and when they swayed in the breeze it was like they were curling and moving.

Words sounded awesome coming from my mouth and the breeze felt like a cool earthen massage. It was sublime, I was on my way to a beautiful day. But then I started delving even further into the web of stoneation and I knew I was on a long ride. I started feeling sick on the walk to the zoo and had to stop our 420 train, de rail it really. Because there was NO way I could be in the hot sun walking up and down the zoo trails with CHILDREN and mid west adults squawking all around me. That shit kills me when I'm sober and at this point I couldn't keep my mind stagnant long enough to buy my damn zoo tickets. I looked in my wallet and couldn't decide if my receipts or cash was currency. Then I started wondering about the origin of the word currency. Then I started wondering why that store Origins in Hillcrest had to close. Then I wondered.....bottom line. I was just kept wondering. About EVERYTHING. I mean at this point I was so high I might have tried to jump in a polar bear pit during feeding time or something. My friends are wonderful and were ok with walking around the cactus gardens. They were insane. I'm there tripping out at the whole thing because it looks like one big Dr. Suess book.

Which it should because Dr. Suess got most of his plant ideas in his book from Balboa Park. It was like seeing a celebrity or something. I mean you read these books your whole childhood and these plants and trees are buried somewhere down in your psyche and then you SEE them and its like WHERE AM I and when do I meet The Cat In The Hat??? Then we hit the Rose Gardens (also insanely gorgeous and mind alteringly fragrant) and I'm feeling better but the sun is still working on giving me melanoma and my Mona Lisa sandy is trying to revolt from my stomach. NOT COOL!! This was 420 not the day after my high school prom! No one could drive (or walk) so we called a cab and he drove us home. HOME BASE!!! It felt wonderful to be horizontal and the only thing we could do was crank up my friends awesome speakers, connect itunes visualizer to the huge 42 inch HD screen and listen to Bjorks Vespertine and trip out on the gorgeous (and new, more orb shapes and spheres vs. lines and hologram styles) graphics.

Yes, I, Little Miss Nature nut, waxing on and on about how a smoker should be enjoying nature and the outdoors all day was curled up in bed enjoying a listening party with graphics. It was the best part of my whole day. Not just because I was finally out of the sun and heat but because Vespertine in one of my Top 5 favorite albums of all time and I was still so so blissed out and the songs were so gorgeous tears were coming from my eyes, I love listening parties like this. The music sounds amazing and whats better, stoned or sober, later on it continues to sound even better. You get so many more layers when you really delve deep into music like that. Im going to start having stony listening parties again.....So thats how my 420 went down. I felt like I had an intense hang over all day and it was sweltering hot but otherworldly beautiful all day. I felt like I was trapped in this stony purgatory between the utter beauty of heaven and the physical feelings of hell. A little Bjork and then later on a little frozen yogurt cured me. By way of some alternate universe I am able to say: Im fucking glad to be sober today and posted up in my office by an air conditioning vent.....Everything in moderation eh???

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