Monday, April 20, 2009

HAPPY 420!!!!!!!

What does 420 mean? There are varying theories on the origin of 420. Some say that 420 originated from a police code that announces marijuana use is taking place. Yet another story is that a group of guys (Waldo's) in the 1970's made 4:20 their official meeting time to smoke marijuana after school. Whether or not 4:20 p.m. is the best time of day for your first hit depends on your own body, your own needs. Some folks feel that waiting until 4:20 enhances ones appreciation of the herb. Of course, your mileage may vary.

In the 21st Century, 420 is firmly established as a code amongst tokers, a time of day and even sort of a toker's New Year's Day. It's in our culture now and only time will tell where it ends up.

April 20th (4/20) is another usage, meaning that it is time for to plant before the summer.

Whatever the real story is, 420 has been an important part of the marijuana culture since the 1970's. The significance of 420 has been kept underground and is mostly known only among marijuana smokers. Many non-smokers aren't aware of the symbolism when they see someone wearing a T-shirt or baseball cap that says 420 across the front.

When the 420 icon is somehow discreetly worked into a mainstream product like a film, marijuana users take notice. The film Pulp Fiction is rumored to have had all clocks throughout the movie set to 4:20. Marijuana smokers familiar with the symbol picked up on it—most people, however, did not.

While some marijuana smokers are using 420 as a code that enables them to openly speak about marijuana in front of parents or teachers. 420 has been to some, a sacred symbol for nearly 30 years.

Simply put, 420 is a symbol of cannabis and its culture. Today, April 20th events are international, and 4:20 pm has become sort of a world wide "burn time".

***Note: 4/20 comes attached with many hateful things that people like to focus on. Hitlers Birthday, Columbine Massacre etc. But why is that necessary? Why is remembering hate a good idea? Instead I urge you to take 4/20, even if you dont smoke, and celebrate nature and community because thats what marijuana is to me and millions of users. We spend time with our loved ones, relaxed and happy and experience all the beauty and wonder of this world wether its in front of a Planet Earth DVD, at the beach on a wave or sitting in a park at a picnic. Weed can be abused like EVERY substance but on this day we celebrate all the good it does. The list is very long, veeery long. Today I will take the time to explore the San Diego Zoo and then picnic with friends. What will YOU do???

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