Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Cigarette Tax Hike, This Might Be the End of "Bumming Ciggies"

The cigarette excise tax that tobacco companies must pay the federal government rose Wednesday by 61.6 cents per pack, or $6.16 per carton. The tax now comes to about $10.10 per carton, or $1.01 per pack.

I think now it's fair to charge for or decline someones request for a cigarette! Especially in NYC where each cig is now worth about 50 cents. I mean come one, you gotta take a loan out to buy a carton and no banks are even giving out loans! I bum cigs but I usually drive so I find it's a fair trade. And I definitely always hit up the Marlboro or Camel people handing out free cigs (and no they don't report you to your insurance company!) I wonder if this will make people smoke less? Not sure, I only know that Im going to be using the line, "Oh sorry this is my LAST one!" a lot more often....

(Incidentally on this day in 1970, President Richard Nixon signed legislation officially banning cigarette ads on television and radio forever. So thanks to him I get some awesome gifts and free cigs from Camel. Sweet)

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