Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Pitchfork: Bob Dylans Port-O-Potty Funking Up The Neighborhood

From Pitchfork:

If you lived next to Bob Dylan, you might expect some strange sounds coming from beyond the fence. But how about strange smells? Strange smells that smell like shit mixed with chemicals, to be precise? According to the L.A. Times, the Bard's neighbors are complaining about noxious odors coming from a port-a-potty located on Dylan's compound in Malibu. And if the Times didn't already run with the "blowin' in the wind" wordplay, someone else would have.

While this story is tons of fun for anyone who doesn't live next to Bob Dylan, it seems quite unpleasant for those who do. According to the Times, since the stench became a problem last September (!), several people claim to have fallen ill, possibly due to the grossness. One not-dramatic-at-all neighbor set up five industrial-sized fans in their yard to combat the port-a-smell. The same family also came up with the money quote: "Mr. Civil Rights is killing our civil rights."

The outhouse is apparently used by Dylan's security team, which is sad to think about-- these people are forced to use a fake toilet at work and then they get yelled at for using it. Bob: There's this thing called Clear Springs Glade...

Thanks to Richard Anderson for the tip.

In much less important news, Dylan's new album, Together Through Life, is out April 28 on Columbia.

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