Monday, March 2, 2009

March Forth on March Fourth: Time to get serious about crushing Prop 8

This is a press release from blog SD Dialed In:

The California Supreme Court will hear oral arguments challenging Prop 8 on March 5th. The outcome of this court case will not only determine whether Prop 8 is recalled and the right to civil marriage for same sex couples is restored, but will also decide whether the 18,000 loving and committed same-sex couples that were married last year will have their marriages invalidated.

To remind the California Supreme Court of what the path of equality demands, the evening of March 4th has been declared an ‘Eve of Justice.’ At court houses in cities across the state rallies and candle light vigils are being held so we can send a strong message to the courts that we want our equal rights back and we are asking them to rule on the side of love.

San Diego will have a community rally with speakers and singing converging on the:

Hall of Justice
330 W Broadway
San Diego CA 92101
A candle light vigil will then line the streets of Downtown San Diego Starting at 6pm.
The event is being jointly organized by Marriage Equality USA, San Diego Alliance for Marriage
(S.A.M.E.), and San Diego Equality Campaign (S.D.E.C.).

Bring your friends, family, loved ones... and of course bring your candles, your signs, and your American and Gay pride flags to encouraging the courts to save the 18,000 couples' marriages and to rule on the side of love, justice, and equal rights for all.

For more information on the national event please visit:

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