Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Jimmy Tamborello
Strictly Ballroom

If you like DNTEL you will like one of the above. They are all the same person. Did you, like the rest of the freaking world listen to the lone Postal Service album over and over again?? Part of the reason that album will forever be on my Top 20 of all time was Ben Gibbards great lyrics and smooth voice harmonizing with the perfectly faint vocals of Jenny Lewis. But I have to say, for me what did it was Jimmy Tamborellos AWESOME beats.Dreamy vocals over intricate, fresh, bomb ass beats, one of my favorite music smoothies. Check out DNTEL for long pensive drives, walks through a busy city, background music at an art show or boutique or laying blissed out at the beach.

My Favorites:

Album: Early Works for Me If It Works for You
Track: 1. "Loneliness Is Having No One to Miss"
Track: 8. "Danny Loves Experimental Electronics"

Album: Life Is Full of Possibilities
Track: 2. "Anywhere Anyone" vocals by Mia Doi Todd

Album: Something Always Goes Wrong
Track: 1. "In Which Our Hero Begins His Long and Arduous Quest"

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