Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Chili's Awesome Blossom, Americas Most Unhealthy Food

I've recently become a health nut. Hold on before you roll your eyes!! And hold on you crazy vegans!! I still get down on my Mexican food delights and I'm black, I still eat meat and love my comfort food. But a recent realization of the health problems associated with eating unhealthy and being inactive have really hit me hard. I've been overweight since I came into this world and it's finally time I took into account what it does to my body. Americans are getting huge and heart disease is a real killer. Obscene portion sizes make it hard to even know what the right amount to eat is and packaged foods boast health and nutrition despite being high in calories and trans fats. Over the course of becoming healthier and more active I've found some delightful gems of unhealthy foods in restaurants I used to eat at. Now I've been a jock my whole life and was raised eating fruits and veggies at every meal. I know a TON about healthy and nutrition in reading every book and article and I STILL get tripped up by deceptive marketing and outdated information. I'll be slipping in my nutrition knowledge here and there so stand by. For now I leave you with America's most unhealthy food!!

It’s amazing to think that they can make an onion that contains 2,710 calories, 203 grams of fat, 194 grams of carbs and 6,360 grams of sodium. A normal sized person needs 2,000 calories and 30 fat grams for an ENTIRE DAY!! And I KNOW when you ordered it you said, well it's onion, so it's still healthy because it's a vegetable!?!?! LIES. Eat enough of this and this motherfucker will kill you faster than Oxycontin. Both are legal, both have higher death rates than weed (zero deaths) .
Just thought I'd slide that in....

1 comment:

  1. 2,710 calories? Waste- those don't even taste all that good!

    Personally I would rather eat 3.75 cinabons...
    um, or 3 meals and snacks!
