Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Best Beach Chair Ever

The Rio Beach chair. Go get one now, they are selling them at Costco. Rio has finally done it, they've made the perfect fucking beach chair!! This bad boy has a cup holder (which SEEMS flimsy but has never dropped my drink) to begin with, which rules as I hate putting my can of *ahem* soda in the sand to warm up (really I've poured out the mountain dew and replaced it with white wine...). Get this, it has arm straps on it so you can carry it like a backpack which may seem dorky but it has a huge back pocket for your lunch, magazines/books, ipod/phone and whatever else you don't want to put in another separate bag. The best part of this low chair design is its comfort. The back is high and the seat long. The chair has 3 levels, all distinctly different (not like an airplane seat that I swear to got does not move back more than 3 cm, its like a damn optical illusion). The third level of the chair is like pure heaven, reclines very low. Oh did I mention the necessary neck/head pillow that ties the whole seating experience together? Yea it's great. Only con is that its sort of hard to fold back up, but youll get the hang of it and with it being so comfy and all you might not even need to learn how to fold it up. Just leave the sucker up and refill your uh, mountain dew....

1 comment:

  1. Hi all,

    This Rio Beach Chair with multiple stripped is looking so stylish. It is perfect for beach. It has also a cup holder. Really, Rio Beach Chair is the best and most popular products in beach chair. It is available in various shapes, colours, and sizes with the cheapest price. Thanks a lot......

    Rio Beach Chair
