Friday, March 13, 2009

Arnold Schwarzenegger Smoking Dope

In the last few months, as media interest in marijuana policy continues to rise more and more instances of marijuana smoking by international heros (Michael Phelps), the media on the left AND right(Whoopi Goldberg, Glenn Beck) and now elected officials (Schwarzenegger) have cropped up. I was watching The Daily Show and Lewis Black had this hilarious segment how the recession is threatening to turn our society Catholic haha. Included in his diatribe was a lil' video clip where Arnold Schwarzenegger is smoking weed as a younger man and loving it!! It's about 2:43 minutes in but watch the whole thing, it's pretty interesting. Oh and sad-ish.

Also found a Time article on the subject. Check out the closing quote:

In response, retired Orange County Superior Court Judge James Gray, a longtime proponent of legalization, estimates that legalizing pot and thus ceasing to arrest, prosecute and imprison non-violent offenders could save the state an additional $1 billion a year. "We couldn't make this drug any more available if we tried," he says. "Not only do we have those problems, along with glamorizing it by making it illegal, but we also have the crime and corruption that go along with it." He adds, "Unfortunately, every society in the history of mankind has had some form of mind-altering, sometimes addictive substances to use, to misuse, abuse or get addicted to. Get used to it. They're here to stay. So, let's try to reduce those harms and right now we couldn't do it worse if we tried."
(Read The Rest)

If You Want to Watch More Political Debate and Discussion Check These Dates Out:

-On Sunday Night: Al Roker special on marijuana, airing on MSNBC at 10 p.m. EST

-Medical marijuana will be part of the focus of John Stossel's ABC special that airs tonight. He'll be examining the case of Charles Lynch, the former operator of a medical marijuana dispensary — operating legally under California state law — who was raided by federal law enforcement officials and convicted on federal drug charges. A respected member of the community who operated with the support of local officials and the chamber of commerce, Lynch was known to refuse payment from patients who could not afford it. MPP provided research assistance for the show, which airs tonight on ABC at 10 p.m. EST.

-On Wednesday night, MPP's Bruce Mirken appeared on "The Rachel Maddow Show" on MSNBC.

-And last, Bruce will also appearing later this month on D.L. Hughley's show on CNN (tentatively scheduled for March 28).

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