Thursday, March 26, 2009

All hell going to break loose? Earthquakes "Predicted"

Could be a hoax or it could be a huge disaster. Either way, it's worth knowing. One of my coworkers sent the e-mail below to our whole office.

Hi Everyone,
My Mom works with someone who is a son of a geological institute employee.
Yesterday around 6:00pm he received a call from his dad telling him to be prepared
for the next 72 hours for an 8.6 earthquake in San Diego. His dad has been
working there for over 10 years and does this for a living. They say there have been over 800 earthquakes everyday this week and PREDICT the outcome of an 8.6 in San Diego.

They don't know exactly which part of San Diego the predicted earthquake will hit.
They do not want to release this information to the public due to county panic and since it is only a prediction they don't want people to get all worked up in case it doesn't happen.
Since this was at 6:00pm last night we are looking at around 50-60 hours left for this prediction.
I just wanted to share this information just so everyone is prepared in case this does happen.


Salton Sea is swarming with earthquake data- LA TIMES

Government Earthquake Hazard Site

County Earthquake Facts and Preparedness

1 comment:

  1. Well wouldn't this be a giant shitball. Getting my candles/water supplies ready...
