Thursday, February 5, 2009

Tonight is Thursday Night Thing

TNT = a fun night that happens on the First Thursday of the Month at The Museum of Contemporary Art-SD Downtown on Kettner Boulevard

Tonights Lineup:

Rain or shine, TNT joins forces with Fallen Fruit, an LA-based activist art project that uses fruit as a lens to investigate urban space, ideas of neighborhood, and new forms of located citizenship and community. Hear the founding members of Fallen Fruit discuss their work at 7 pm, then participate in a communal jam-making session and many other fruit-centric experiences. Participants are encouraged to bring their own fruit and any clean, recycled jars to share with others.

TNT-goers also will have the opportunity to hear from artists Mely Barragán and Marisol Rendón speak about their work on view in the exhibition, Drawing the Line.

Plus, catch live music by Los Angeles-based indie electronica artist The Heathers; saloon-inspired folk music from local band Golden Red; and upbeat indie pop from San Diego's Team Abraham.

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