Thursday, February 5, 2009

Picture of Mandy Moore on Ryan Adams's Blog

It isn't news they've been dating, that girls dating roster has some heavy hitters including Zack Braff, DJ AM and one of my fav indie Guy n Guitar Artists Greg Laswell. From what I know I can't help but wonder what it is about her that these guys are so drawn to, this picture sort of makes me realize how cool she can LOOK and guys are so visually motivated...For some reason I can get her Christian Message Leaning Movies out of my head so I tend to think she is some do-gooding square trying to make the world a better place one famous boyfriend at a time. I have a feeling she made Ryan Adams quit smoking from reading a part of his blog. I have a few Ryan Adams songs I love but generally, from interviews and what I've read and heard I don't necessarily like the guy. I think it's the fact that he self-depreciates more than the gnarliest self-deprecating, diminutive indie kid around! Hey what can I say, I'm drawn to confident people (and it's a fact that self-deprecating people all to often confuse confidence with arrogance). Buck up dude, you're Ryan Adams and you're banging Mandy Moore.

(Of course EVERYONE looks good in wayfarers in a cool ass alley right?)

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