Monday, February 2, 2009

Michael Phelps Got Caught Taking Bong Loads

Uh duh?? He is a 23 Year Old Guy who's job is to eat and swim all day. Give the guy a break!! He won 8 Gold Medals WITHOUT the help of much more harmful steroids. Hell one might even argue that weed hurts your game and he still smoked everyone at the Olympics (no pun intended). He wasn't out underground dog fighting, buying a hooker, or gambling. He was smoking herb with friends. I think it is so bad ass that he is a REAL PERSON. Not some square with no life that trains all day. I was actually holding that against him! He is still a dedicated athlete, a seemingly good guy. Let the guy smoke reefer in peace and continue to aid America (with Obama's help) in changing it's "We will murder the world for money and were dumbasses" image.

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