Thursday, February 19, 2009

Kanye West Is Very Very Mentally Ill. Shitballs Crazy.

delusions of grandeur - a delusion (common in paranoia) that you are much greater and more powerful and influential than you really are

Kanye West Quotes To Prove The Point:

“I realize that my place and position in history is that I will go down as the voice of this generation, of this decade, I will be the loudest voice,” he said in an interview on Wednesday. “It’s me settling into that position of just really accepting that it’s one thing to say you want to do it and it’s another thing to really end up being like Michael Jordan.”

“I wanna make popular music, but I want less fans. I want the freedom of having less fans. It’s like the freedom of having less money. If you have less money, you have less responsibility.”

“I don’t even listen to rap. My apartment is too nice to listen to rap in. I have to be in a way more grimey environment to turn any rap music on”

"My music isn't just music- it's medicine"

"When your message resonates with the people, then you know your message is from God, and we are building this movement in the interest of all of God's people."

"One of the problems with being a bubbling source of creativity - it's like I'm bubbling in a laboratory, and if you don't put a cap on it, at one point it will, like, break the glass. "If I can hone that then I have nuclear power, like a superhero, like Cyclops when he puts his glasses on."

"There's nothing more to be said about music. I'm the f***ing end-all, be-all of music. I know what I'm doing. I did 808s in three weeks. I got it. It's on cruise control."

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