Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Help Cut Spending on Ineffective (but hilarious when stoned) Anti-Marijuana Ads

(Note: I think this marijuana ad is especially hilarious because everyone smoker knows when you get high you want to rub your dog for hours, love on it and sneak it some nibbles of your munchies. My friends dog all but sprints into the room when it smells herb!)

You've seen the ads — the ones telling you that you'll shoot your friend in the head or get your fist stuck in your mouth if you use marijuana. Or the one warning that marijuana might turn you into a rapist.

During his campaign, President Barack Obama promised to curb government waste by cutting funding for programs that didn't show results. These ads — run by the White House drug czar's office — should be first on the chopping block. Not only are they ridiculous on their face, but every independent assessment of the ads has shown them to be a failure, with a government watchdog agency finding that the ads actually increased use among teens.

Would you take one minute to write your members of Congress today to urge them to eliminate funding for these wasteful, ineffective, and plain silly ads? MPP's online action system makes it really easy; just enter your name and address, and we do the rest.

MPP's lobbying work has resulted in a 66% reduction in funding for these ads since 2002 — including a nearly 40% reduction between 2007 and 2008 alone. With the ads' funding now at its lowest level ever — $60 million — we're optimistic that we can finally get them eradicated altogether.

Would you please help by sending a letter to your members of Congress today?

Thank you,

Rob Kampia
Executive Director
Marijuana Policy Project
Washington, D.C.


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