Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Movie Review: Man on Wire

I got super blazed right before watching this movie and was confused at first. It was a documentary with many players being presented to you one right after the other with no explanation who they were. They were telling a story with no reference points, starting from nearly the end. There were occasional subtitles. And they were incredibly passionate, about what I had no idea! But I had a vague idea what the story was about so I let myself be taken over by their unabashed emotion. They are French, it's easy to let their passion grab you. Man on Wire is a documentary about Philipe Petit, the man who walked on a wire between the two towers of the World Trade Center in the 70's. He is a magical man, best way to put it, his confidnce is astonishing, he (and soon I) was completely convinced that his destiny was to walk on that line, it was intoxicating. The movie is shot with a mixutre of real live video, well done black and white dramatization and great photos and new clippings. It's a work of art in itself really. And the music is incredible, soothing and perfectly fitting, another mixture of classical greats and period ambient cuts. I wasn't prepared to find wiring walking itself so appealing. I am deathly afraid of heights but his being so close to the edge of life and death brought me there for a second and left me breathless, lucid, light headed and full of adrenaline. He dosen't just walk on that wire, he performs and it's gorgeous. I had tears on my face as the film was wrapping up. My favorite idea in the movie sums it , he was doing it for no other reason than it was beautiful, hurt no one and it was his destiny.

Friend Amanda brought up a great point. Why have there been NO accounts from the loved ones of 9/11 victims in the form of books or movies?? Over 2500 people died. Many times that were affected. Movies have been made about the tragedy as a whole but NONE have come from the perspective of anyone involved personally in the attack. Decide for yourself HOW that could have happened because a book from a family that lost someone and how that has changed them, for instance, would sell for millions. There must be some reason someone hasn't exploited their stories, espeically in what was once capatalistically driven USA. Thoughts??

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