Monday, January 5, 2009

I bought a $200 Electronic Cigarette

Something happened to me in Las Vegas over this last Christmas Break. I got the "F-it I'm In Vegas" Disease BAD. I was handing out money like I had it or something. Fivers to the valet, 50% tips for my drinks, handing out money to my sis and Dad to gamble. So when I bought a $200 electronic cigarette I felt like a high roller. For about 4 hours. When I realized I couldn't return it that night I started tweaking out and crying. I had wanted an iphone, I need curtains for my apartment, I wanted gray suede knee high boots!!! I don't even have a smoking problem! I just really really thought this thing was cool. And it is. It's basically a cigarette that doesn't use smoke, in my opionion the ONLY problem with cigs anyway. It makes water vapor and it fills your mouth with smoke that you can inhale and breath out! The end even lights up when you inhale. It's a bit heavy but it LOOKS like a cig! I saw the salesmen just smoking away and thought of all the possibilites. Smoking in theaters, bars, airports, ANYWHERE. It just seemed awesome. But maybe like $50 worth of awesome. If you want to buy it from me, let me know.....

1 comment:

  1. smok stick v8 kit Electronic smoking cigarettes like have now happen to be for the marketplace to get several years, and are also slowly earning inside popularity. Many butt people who smoke and tend to be turning for you to all these smoke-free systems because that they see that they will is a much healthier alternative to classic cigarettes smoking and also cigars.
