Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Takk in Commercial for Prince of Persia

I know I'm late with this info but I don't have a TV, or at least if I'm watching TV it's on Hulu and there are little or no commercials. So sitting here in a Vegas hotel room I see this commercial for a video game (which I'm heavily against for all the usual reasons) and Takk is blasting away amid these creatures cutting each other up with samuri-esque machetes. Really? Ok, the jury is still out on bands selling their music to commercial entities. Hell they gotta make money too right? And they made the music, it IS theirs....and they get more exposure going main stream....but Band of Horses and Wal Mart? Sigur Ros and video games? Cat Power and De Beers? Hell again, I wouldn't work at Wal mart, play Prince of Persia or buy blood diamonds from De Beers. But would I for $600,000?? Wall dayam...maybe.....

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