Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Scared of Santa

My anti-commercialization, mildly religious, selectively traditional parents never did the whole Santa thing. Presents were wrapped and put under the tree as they were bought. We didn't even do the whole sitting on Santa's lap thing! I don't feel like I've missed out and I ADORE all things Christmas, even Santa and especially pictures of kids terrified as they sit on Santa's Lap. A project by the Chicago Tribune has established a site and written a book focused on kids who are apathetic, terrified, angry and confused and otherwise as they make that exciting trip up to Santa's Lap. Here are a few of my favorite, check out the book and the Chicago Tribune Website for more!!

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious! I never believed in Santa, the tooth fairy or the stork. But I did believe in the Easter Bunny and the Cadburry bunny- totally reasonable to my 6 y.o. mind
