Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Pop Art: Design Your Own Pringle Can

On a trip through the chip aisle at my local liquor store I checked out a Pringles can that said you could log online and design you own. A la Jones Soda.... Now I don't eat Pringles anymore (kettle cooked is so where it's at). But I was curious so I checked it out. Turns out every time you design a can they donate $1 to The Childrens Miracle Network. You can check out the gallery they have to see the cans other people have designed or you can create one of your own. They have ready made backgrounds or you can upload your own images. I tried to upload a Bob Marley photo but it kept kicking me offline. So I made the one below instead for kicks haha. You can design as many as you want then you print them out and I assume affix them to your Pringle can...either way it's sort of fun and helps out a sick kid or two. Try it out, get creative, download your design and share it with us!!

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