Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Oh The Weather Outside is Frightful....

Today is 71 Degrees in Downtown San Diego....Siiiiigh, doesn't much feel like winter or Christmas when you can't wear your thin hoodie outside without getting warm. I know for a fact it was colder last year, I could wear a pretty thick coat and tights. Call it global warming, call it "life in San Diego" call it whatever, all I know is, people from other states and cities where it's freezing cold can't understand what I'm talking about and nobody will sympathize with this SD Plight. Sometimes you just want a cold, gray day to come around so you can be all cozy inside and drink a damn cup of cocoa!! Geez, anyone's Christmas Tree already getting super dry already??

Today's Weather Facts:
In 1950 the high was 84 Degrees
In 1997 the low was 42 Degrees

San Diego All Time Weather Facts:

The average warmest month is August.
The highest recorded temperature was 111°F in 1963.
December is the average coolest month.
The lowest recorded temperature was 29°F in 1949.
The maximum average precipitation occurs in January.

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