Monday, December 1, 2008

Former Hilton employee sues after witnessing work orgy

-The Minnesota Blotter News:
We hope the naughty coworkers picked the Symphony Ballroom. The classy mood lighting would really add to the messy fun.
There must be something in the air here in Minnesota that is making people horny and totally insane. Just last week we were reporting about the two Iowans busted for stranger sex in a Metrodome handicap bathroom stall. Now we've got an orgy at the Minneapolis Hilton?

A Coon Rapids woman is suing the Hilton Hotels chain for harassment-by-orgy after she walked in on drunken upper management group sex in one the hotel's banquet halls, according to On Point (via). How terribly horrifying. When she complained about the orgy to Human Resources, she was fired.

Deborah Smith, 43, was the night manager for the hotel restaurant, SkyWater. She is seeking at least $50,000 in damages under the Minnesota Human Rights Act (MHRA)

More from the lawsuit (PDF):

Smith was fired after she opened the door to a banquet room at the Hilton. Inside this room, she discovered an orgy involving Hilton upper management. Specifically, when Smith opened the door to the banquet room, she saw various Hilton executives inebriated and engaging in sexual acts. In fact, she observed Hilton executives on top of a table engaging in sexual activity.
After Smith walked away from the orgy Manager (James) Vennewitz said she would be fired, and he would make sure of it.
When she complained to HR, Smith says she was retaliated against and eventually fired Dec. 19, 2007.

The suit is extremely vague, (Is there a date when this orgy occurred? Who was part of said orgy?) but tries to make a discrimination and harassment case based on her sex. "Plaintiff was subjected to unwelcome sexual conduct directed at her on the basis of her sex," the suit says.

On Point says it is unclear how the sexual conduct was directed at Smith since there is no evidence they asked her to join. This case would be much more interesting if they welcomed her in for the fun. Could she be jealous she wasn't invited?

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