Thursday, December 18, 2008

Don't Miss This Show!

The Walkmen and Beach House
Belly-Up Tavern, Friday December 19th

That type of money might be hard to drop this time of year or this time of THIS year in particular. But its rare that I get excited about a show that's all the way up in Solana Beach.

A friend of mine introduced me to Beach House a few months ago when we were stoned in my basement at around 4 am. It's dreamy to say the least, but not in that overtly mushy gag-me now dreamy sort of fashion. Think tight melodies, interesting moody layers of pipe organs and a lead singer that brings to mind the softer side of Pat Benetar or the darker side of Fiona Apple.

The Walkmen always put on a great show and the Belly Up is a wonderful, perfectly-sized venue to see both of these bands.

Check out the video for Beach House's GILA below

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