Thursday, November 27, 2008

So yeah, Wanda Sykes IS Gay

At a rally in Las Vegas on November 15, 2008 as part of the national day of protest against California's anti-gay Prop 8, Wanda Sykes announced, "I am proud to be gay!" She also told of marrying her girlfriend on October 25th 2008. See below for a transcript of her coming out speech. How were the tabloids not on top of this? Kind of makes me proud I guess, none of their business anyway. I will say this, gay or straight, I never though Wanda Sykes was that funny, I know there are MANY people in the other camp though.

Wanda Sykes, Las Vegas, 11.15.2008

I got married October 25th. My wife is here. I don’t really talk about my sexual orientation, I didn’t think I had to. I was just living my life. I wasn’t necessarily in the closet, I was just living my life. Everyone that knows me personally, they know I’m gay. They know. That’s the way people should be able to live their lives.

If we had equal rights. We shouldn’t have to be standing out here demanding something that we automatically should have as citizens of this country. But I got pissed off. I said now I got to get in your face. And that’s what we all have to do now. They pissed off the wrong group of people. They have galvanized the community. We are so together now and we all want the same thing and we are not going to settle for less. Instead of having gay marriage in California, no, we’re going to get it across the country. Because when my wife and I leave California, I want to have my marriage also recognized in Nevada and Arizona and all the way to New York.

How can you stop people from loving each other? I’m sick of this shit, Oh, you made that choice. Gay is not a choice. That’s like telling me I chose to be a woman, I chose to be Black. Are we saying that if being gay is a choice, people are straight because they chose not to be gay? I am very proud to be a woman, I am proud to be a black woman, I am proud to be gay.

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