Wednesday, November 5, 2008

In other Election News Both Good and Bad

-Massachusetts decriminalized possession of one ounce or less of marijuana, making the offense punishable with a citation and a $100 fine.
-Michigan became the 13th state to legalize marijuana for medical use
-Voters in Colorado and South Dakota defeated ballot measures aimed at restricting abortion
-Washington state, voters approved a law allowing physician-assisted suicide.
-No on Prop 4

-Prop 8 Failed
-In Arkansas, voters approved a measure on the ballot to bar unmarried couples from adopting or taking in foster children. The referendum is intended as a constitutionally permissible way to prevent gays from adopting, supporters say.
-Prop D ends an era in beloved San Diego, no drinking outside in our gorgeous city

Note the Bic pen in the corner, this is one ounce of marijuana

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