Wednesday, December 3, 2008

EVEN more UPDATEs: Beloved San Diego Band, The Muslims, Changes Their Name

To The Soft Pack. I'm going to be honest right off the bat. I'm also going to be as politically incorrect as some might have thought their band name was (and maybe the reason they changed it?). I think the name name is gay. And the word gay has tons of different meanings so don't go all Hillary Duff on me and tell me it's derogatory. The name totally blows. Which stinks because The Muslims make some of the BEST music out right now. Their name emobodied the "We don't give a fuck attitude" that comes from the era of the type of music they make (and the best way to explain that cool post punk distant stare thing lead singer Matt Lamkin has when he performs). I don't know about you but when I said the name The Muslims I wasn't think of Qur’an text or anything.

They are one of my favorite bands of all time. Their new songs are insane, they are catching on like wildfire, everyone who hears them is instantly a fan, the dudes in the band are top notch. But damn. That band name just....reeks of lamenicity. I dunno for some reason I think of old balls....or some unattractive hick with a huge beer belly and a soft pack of cheap cigarettes in the pocket of his yellow tee.....Geez, Ill try to be more positive. It's Thanksgiving Day and I'm thankful The Soft Pack (I tried, sounds lame, can't do it) are making music. Oooo on the flip side now I can be all pretentious when they make it big and continue to call them The Muslims because I knew them whence....Haha I need to go to bed. Im like a young child giddy on Christmas Day for presents. Except i'm thinking of turkey and cranberry sauce.....and my aunts "cider" (hot whiskey in a bowl Aunty, really?)

Statement in a bulletin and on The Muslims Myspace Page:

WE HAVE CHANGED THE NAME OF OUR GROUP TO "THE SOFT PACK". Working on new material and firing on all four cylinders, we feel strongly about this one. It's a new chapter in our lives and hopefully yours. Stay tuned to The Soft Pack page (, as we will be posting new videos, music, and junk in the coming weeks. We are pumped. Have a great Thanksgiving and keep it loose. Your buddies, The Soft Pack


Looks like Spin Magazine caught the comment I left on The Muslims page:

Muslims Fan Deserves Tattoo Refund
The San Diego, CA, quartet changes its name to the Soft Pack -- and fan Heather Ace isn't happy.

Don't you hate it when you fall in love and have your darling's name tattooed on your shoulder, only to have him cheat on you.... Laser tattoo removal treatment hurts!
Consider the similar plight of longtime Muslims fan Heather Ace: The San Diego quartet just announced they were changing their name from the Muslims to the Soft Pack. They explained the move, kind of, not really, on their MySpace page: "Working on new material and firing on all four cylinders, we feel strongly about this one. It's a new chapter in our lives and hopefully yours."
Which brings us to Heather, who responded to the news by posting: "Fuck. I just got 'The Muslims' tattooed across my back in old English."
We feel for Heather, even though we don't quite understand the "Old English" part. Then again, if we were the Soft Pack, we'd opt to run on six -- or maybe even eight -- cylinders, instead of "four." We didn't get into rock'n'roll to improve our gas mileage.

The Guardian UK Music Blog has added their two cents on the issue too:

The Muslims' name shame
When you're a band blessed with a brilliant name, why on earth would you voluntarily change it to the Soft Pack?

Had a great time at Riviera Supper Club and Turquoise Room (review to come) continued to after party and got a an idea, found a sharpie and well, Martinez does amazing calligraphy is all I can say! I can't believe people believed I really got this!! I thought it would be funny. I've said my piece/peace. I don't like the name change at all but I love the music so I will probably continue to call them The Muslims and will DEFinitely go to the shows. Check out the video below.



  1. Great posting on the Guardian:

  2. Blessed with a brilliant name, wow
