Thursday, October 16, 2008

What is this town coming to?

The door guys in this town have a new duty in their job description:
Telling people to be quiet when they leave and to leave quickly. They do it reluctantly, some look embarrassed, but they know if one more complaint is made by a neighbor it’s another nail in the coffin for venues and bars all over the city.

Why the hell ANYONE would move by a bar then make noise complaints to the police boggles my mind. It’s like moving next to a pizza joint and getting outraged at the smell of dough and cheese wafting through your windows. If you can’t handle noise, move to Rancho Bernardo and leave us city folk alone.
More and more this city is being turned over to squares and families. Yes, TURNED OVER. Because before the 90’s San Diego was a classic port town. It was hookers, alcohol, cheap haircuts and young horny sailors.
Downtown wasn’t the Disney land-esque, restaurant row, yuppie neighborhood, not-one –god-dammed-piece-of-trash-in-sight village that it is now. Young men came to let loose after being at sea, surfers could party on the beach till the sun came up, sun lovers and college kids got to experience an explosion of local music that put San Diego on the map. Hell, you should hear the stories about North Park. It was this crusty but life and loved filled town, full of artist migrating from the beaches looking for a haven away from Downtown. Long gone is a Rosecrans filled with strip joints and nude bars and Starbucks and fancy boutiques are now poisoning the heart of Ocean Beach. This city was NEVER the picture of Puritan radicalism it has become today. But now crotchety conservatives consider San Diego the “gem of the right wing.” The Sarah Pallin militia, US flag windbreaker donning, military loving people are realizing how much they can exploit this gorgeous town, secure it for themselves and take away the fun in the sun feel that this city is all about. With absurd legislation like a cabaret license they have the law to back their side. Liquor licenses are very hard to get, incredibly limited and exorbitantly priced. It’s all a new bar can do to get one years after they open their doors and old bars struggle to keep them. And then if you want to have any sort of live music or record playing you have to buy a very expensive cabaret license. NOT COOL. Then they take away drinking on the beach and our parks.

WHY DO THESE PEOPLE THING THEY OWN PLANET EARTH? Fourth of July just isn’t the same. Liquor stores by the beach have been struggling and for what? One incident and it’s all done away with forever? I can’t even drink a glass of white wine in Balboa Park on a Sunday afternoon. The drinkers and partyers of this town are the ones who keep the bars open, the restaurants full, the beaches cherry and the festivals and events swinging.

We create the art, make the music and bring style and culture to a beautiful and dynamic town with a long history or partying and crazyness. If you want Mayberry, then move North and East because this is a fucking CITY CENTER and every now and then you’re gonna have people yelling in front of a bar at 2 AM and someone barfing in a beach trash can after the the fireworks are over. If we lose this city forever, I’m glad I at least had my time with it, that I saw the last blazing sunset descend on a beach filled with people who adore this town and spend the time to enjoy as it should be enjoyed.
Beer in hand, music loud, big smile on face.
Id like to take this time to plead with you to end the alcohol ban in SD and
Vote NO on Prop D!!!!

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