Friday, October 10, 2008

Vote NO on Prop D!!

I miss 4th of July on the beach, BBQ's, beer and friends. I miss going down to OB to drink a tall can and watch the sunset. I miss having white wine on Sundays on the beach. Why our local government thinks it owns the beach is beyond me. This law will be PERMANENT if it gets voted in. VOTE NO ON PROP D, read more here.
This city is shutting down dancing at bars, record playing at bars, drinking in the parks and beachs, who knows what's next?? Stop the madness, take back this beautiful city for the people who enjoy it THE MOST!!!!
I just got a mailer telling me to Vote NO D, theyll send me a yard sign if I send back their mailer. Oh Im getting my sign all right. But then I'm throwing it in the trash where it belongs....

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