Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Mail Goggles

I am a huge fan of drunk dialing. I just like to drunk babble all my love to you and luckily people will let me know if I need to pump my brakes...also, there is no evidence left. I have a friend who is a drunk texter, makes for interesting hungover morning reading and while there IS evidence left, you cant text your heart out as if you were e-mailing. I don't drunk e-mail, god no, but if you do, there is hope!

"Called "Mail Goggles," the Gmail add-on makes sending e-mail from Gmail more difficult during certain times that you can set manually (while sober, that is). How does it do this? If you have Mail Goggles installed—which you can do by going to the "Labs" tab under your Gmail settings and turning them on—it will force you to answer a series of math questions before sending out any new messages. Not only can you adjust the days and hours yourself under your General Gmail settings, you can also adjust the math get any of the questions wrong, Mail Goggles will say, "Water and bed for you. Or try again." Of course, if you set the math settings too high, you may have a tough time solving some of those problems in under 60 seconds, even when sober (the ones pictured above are from a math level of 3). Then again, if you're sober, you could just turn Mail Goggles off and send that embarrssingly sappy and needy letter to your ex..."

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