Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Lesson Learned from A Missed Connection

you need to just stop..... - m4w

Reply to: pers-888529622@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-10-21, 7:37PM

seriously? we're not even dating and there's drama..... i made some mistakes in judgement which have now snowballed into a completely unacceptable amount of stress for 2 people not dating....
you are a very nice person and i enjoy your friendship... we are not and never will date so lets just have you stop worrying about it.... i am not attracted to you in that way, period.

Note:A. I didn't didn't ghost write the above. B. Ladies, take heed! This could be you and dudes, lately, this could totally be YOU too. Everybody just CHILL out and enjoy peoples company. When has forcing it ever worked anyway? Creating drama isn't creating passion. Really impress the object of your desire by being real, chill, and honest.

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