Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hugh Hefner and #1 Girlfriend Holly Madison Break-Up

Ok, I used to be a tabloid fiend and I've since kicked the addiction, but now CNN is 50% tabloids so every now and then I'm sucked back in. I'm not being sarcastic when I say I'm bummed about this split. I really liked Holly...She isn't all that bad, she has a college education from Portland State U and Loyola Marymount. She grew up on a small island in Alaska and spent most of her time in nature and reading books. Blonde and Beautiful dosen't always equal dumb right? Hell even fellow Playmate Bridgette has a Master's Degree. Whatever. Word is they broke up because Hef holds strongly to his decision to never have children or marry. My kind of guy, BUT, that lifestyle isn't for everyone. There are bunnies lined up at his gate to live in the Play Boy Mansion so I'm sure he won't be "down in the dumps" (as he said he was) for a long time. Cheers to Viagra ay Hef??

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