Monday, October 27, 2008

Day 1 NYC: Rain, Off Broadway Play, Sushi, Dive Bar

My flight was delayed because of bad weather in NYC. PERFECT! And I'm not even saying that sarcastically. I miss weather, the whole ENDLESS summer thing we have going in San Diego is unnatural and sometimes you're body yearns for the changing of seasons, nature displaying the ancient cycle of of the planet.

Since my plane was delayed I had to head straight to an Off Broadway play of Shakespeares "The Tempest" at Theater 10 10 far far uptown. Some guy at the airport asked if I need a cab and I needed to haul ass so I thankfully followed him out of the airport.

To his Toyota Camry....he was a freelance cabbie. Which I'm pretty sure is illegal. But whatever he drove like a bat out of hell and I got there so early the doors were open. So I stood in this glorious drizzle with all my bags and my coat on. I was in heaven.

The play was in an old church. They used an almost barren set design to act out Shakspeares romantic comedy of redemption, young love, revenge and magic. It was well acted by about 50% of the cast with the other half being mediocre but hell, I felt VERY New York just being there at all and I a perma smile on the whole time.

We caught a cab to Williamsburg (straight up saturated hipster town) where my host lives and hit the town. Unlike San Diego everything is open LATE. We had a million choices of what to eat. We got down on some amazing sushi then hit a dive bar called Matchless to continue drinking after those few quiet but hearty saki bombs. I tend to think everyone in NYC is just f-ing COOL because they are there but whats funny is, NO ONE is actually from that area. Everyone is from somewhere else and came to NYC with a dream. Levels the playing field right out and I liked that.

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